Blog Comments List

Jeremy's Blog about Women giving the finger to Trump
I definitely agree to to what you said about admiring the courageousness of this woman. Trump with all his power has for sure done worse than flipping someone off. I don't even think Trump knew about it until it went viral. But I don't exactly agree with you about justifying her flipping Trump off. This world is unfair, we know that because Trump is the president of the one of the biggest superpowers in the world. But is the woman really justified with giving the finger to the president? Like you said she probably has a family to support and she risked their well being because she felt like needed to flip someone off. There is also her employers, who can walk into trouble as she was associated with them. It's a sad reality but everything in this world has consequences and she needed to realize this before she gave the finger.

Martin's Blog about the #metoo movement
I really like your stance on the some of the negative effects can give with its benefits. Many people overlook the legitimacy of some of these allegations. People , like you mentioned, can cause even bigger problems for people generally trying to create change. Those caught in a lie make everyone question every single person on whether they too are lying or telling the truth. This can cause real victims not to come out as they think people won't believe them. Definitely like how you showed how important movements like these need to work and how hard it actually is.

Christan your opinion does seem like you don't care but I see there is a message you are trying to say. There are way too many problems right now because it seems people want to make problems where problems were never meant to exist. Using this ad as an example you were right to ask what the fuss was about. If people actually watched the ad for a few more seconds you see many more ethnicities with switching into different skin toned shirts. The ad was very inclusive but people say something they thought was racist and started calling Dove out for it which begs the question who are the real racists?
Adrian's Blog about NFL players taking a knee
(To see Christan's, highlight the empty space don't know why that happened)
Adrian I really like your stance on how this debate on whether kneeling during the anthem is very stubborn. The people who say kneeling is disrespectful during the anthem are just prohibiting the freedom of speech of those kneeling. Like you said they are being very hypocritical in trying to rid the NFL of players who kneel during the anthem at games.
I completely agree with your stance Mitchell. Superheroes stand for something else, while culture stands for all some people have. Many of these costumes you exampled are of minority origin, a group of people oppressed in the past and even in the present for what their culture is. People who haven't experience things like racism have no idea what it feels like. So like you said we need to try our best to educate the uneducated so costumes like these ones can stop being made.

I do agree that in a way this ad does degrade the BLM movement in a way but I don't agree this was inspired by that movement specifically. It was shown in the ad that the protest or march wanted love equality something very common among most protests. Usually protests are in protest of something because it isn't fair and they aim to change that to make it fair, so I see the Pepsi ad as a generic protest setting. I also think Pepsi was just trying to sell Pepsi. Celebrity endorsing your drink? Check. Drink promoting happiness and unity? Also check. I think Pepsi was just trying to sell a drink but something went wrong along the way and they ended up with a controversy instead.


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