"Kneeling for your Right"

Hey there, Josh here back at you with another blogpost. So...

What's up with Kneeling during the National Anthem?

Free speech is such a controversial thing nowadays. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but if your opinion is somehow wrong then you'll definitely hear the backlash. I too am guilty of criticizing things that I don't agree with. This happens all the time on the internet and usually it's dismissed very quickly. Not for one NFL player however. 

Colin Kapernick is an American football quarterback formerly of the San Fransisco 49ers and is currently in free agency. He has grabbed the media's attention recently through his, "controversial," decision to kneel during the American national anthem during a San Fransisco 49ers games. This sparked outrages among many American people including President Donald Trump. Many see this as disrespect to America and its people. Kapernick and many others see this as silent protest against the police brutality many Americans of colour face in today's society.

In my opinion there is some truth to both sides. Kneeling during your nation's national anthem is disrespectful to some degree. Especially in America there is much significance to their national anthem. It stands for the freedom so many Americans lived and died for. The freedom that any American can express their thoughts without any type of tyranny prohibiting them. The freedom to respectfully protest against laws and regulations they deem unjust so that a difference can be made. See what I'm getting at here? Many people see Colin Kapernick's actions as an action against what the American anthem stands for. The way I see it Colin Kapernick is kneeling on the side of what the anthem stands for. Kapernick is exercising his rights in a peaceful manner. He isn't picking fights with anyone or trying to do anything violent in his protests. Kapernick is just saying we, the people of America, have a problem and I can't stand it anymore.

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